Writing an introduction

Introduction – introducing your key character, setting and hint at a problem
Hook – dialogue, sound, thought, action

Dialogue – “Why did you have to go and do that!” exclaimed the angry teacher.

Sound -   Boom!  The thunderous explosion shook the campers tent at daybreak. 

Thought - I wish that hadn’t happened today.

Action – The mountain lion pounced from the shadows, it’s sharp claws drawn and baring his teeth. 

“Here you go sweet pea, take these honey garlic wings straight away to great grandma.” Little bandit’s large brown eyes lit up and her mouth watered at the sight of her favorite food.  Reaching out to grab the basket, her mom quickly slapped her hand away.  “Now don’t forget these are for GG not for you and you must stay on the sandy path.  Look out for the hiss of those slithery sneaky rattlesnakes.  If you go off the path they are bound to find you.”  Little bandit nodded her distracted head.  She appeared to have her heard mother, however her mind was stuck on chicken wings.


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