Story goals

Story goals:

1.  Three strategies for starting sentences with a variety of words.

2.  Flipping the sentence
3.  Using the pronoun (or other words to describe the noun)
4.  Start with the verb

Example: Cinderella woke up and wished she was going to the ball. She remembered that she was a servant and would have nothing to wear. A tear rolled down her face because she was upset. Wishing she was anywhere but there, Cinderella started her chores.

2. Show and not tell the important parts

Tell – The prince put the slipper on Cinderella’s foot and it fit.

Show – The prince held the sparkling, silver slipper in his trembling hands.  He carefully placed the glass shoe on the tip of her toe.  Cinderella glided her delicate foot into the slipper and it formed to the shape perfectly.  Red faced and eyes blood shot, the stepsisters reached for the slipper to rip if off her foot.  “There’s no way this fits,” they screamed in unison.  “She can’t possibly be the one for you. Cinderella the slave.”  Ignoring the chaos around him, the prince only has eyes for his beautiful love.  Looking deep into each other’s eyes, he knew he had found his perfect fit.


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