5C2/5C1 – Inquiry assignment

Investigation questions

A variety of questions are posed on topic and organized appropriately.

This includes knowledge, comprehension and application 
A variety of questions are posed on topic.

This includes knowledge and comprehension 
Some questions are posed with supporting prompts.  

or questions are all yes or no/knowledge based
Questions are not on topic or very few questions are posed

Examples of questions: 

Yes or no questions:  Has it snowed this year?

Knowledge: How much snowfall did we have in November?

Comprehension: How does this snowfall compare to other years?

Application: What happens to the city when we have a huge snowfall?


Analysis: How can we support the citizens of Calgary to remain safe and keep the city running effective?

Evaluation:  What is the best method of planning for the city when there is a huge snowfall?

*This is the first part of our inquiry topic.  All students have a good head start in class and will receive one more period to work on this.


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