Rubric for timeline project

Timeline – assessment

4 - excellent
3 - good
2 - basic
1 – not meeting

Language that creates an image (adjectives, descriptive, interesting words choice)

Detailed account of  all events

Timeline tells a creative and engaging story

Language is descriptive

Attempt to show not tell the story

Most events are told in detail

Timeline tells a story
Language states facts without showing the events.

Few details included

Timeline tells events but no connected story
Language is confusing

Point form with no details

Timeline does not tell a story about you

Every event is in chronological order

Idea connect from one to the next

Includes 5 or more events

Ideas are in order and are mostly connected from one to the next

Fewer than 5 events
Ideas are in order but don’t connect from one to the next

Fewer than 4 events
No clear order

Ideas aren’t connected

Fewer than 2 events

Clear spelling, punctuation grammar, unnecessary repetition, evidence of editing

clearly outlined
Few error, mostly editing

Visually appealing and mostly outlined
Some evidence of editing

Some errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar

Somewhat applealing, outlined
No evidence of editing

Unclear spelling, punctuation, grammar

Messy, no structure


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