Grade 5 -  Time line project

For the first project this year we will be looking at telling our story through a timeline format.  Using chronological order the students will come up with creative ways to tell a part of their life story so far or what it might look like in the future.

Curriculum objectives covered in the project:

General Outcome 1

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
1.1 Discover and Explore
Express ideas and develop understanding
use own experiences as a basis for exploring and expressing opinions and understanding

Experiment with language and forms  
    select from provided forms of oral, print and other media texts those that best organize ideas and information and develop understanding of topics  

3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate

Organize information  
use clear organizational structures, such as chronological order, and cause and effect, to
organize ideas and information to emphasize key points for the audience

add, delete or combine ideas to communicate more effectively

use appropriate visual, print and/or other media effectively to inform and engage the audience

3.4 Share and Review

4.2 Attend to Conventions
identify differences between standard English and slang, colloquialism or jargon, and explain how these differences affect meaning

5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community

          Criteria to include in your project:


Topic: I will be telling the story of my early years from birth to grade 1

Audience: My peers, Ms.Bly, my parents

Form: Visual Timeline

Key points:  Day I was born, funny story from when I was a baby, major toddler        milestones

Final project

This will be different depending on your choice of how you will present your ideas

How you will be assessed:  To be determined with the class




Deadline: To be determined with the class


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