
Showing posts from October, 2017

Parts of speech

We are reviewing parts of speech.  Wacky web tales is a fun activity to help review this.  Wacky Web Tales

English Language Learner resource

For those students who are still learning the English language this is a good resource to acquire vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. Language guide

Read theory

The students have been registered for a free online reading program that they can use at home or at school.  Today we practiced how to use it.  This is a great tool for practicing and improving reading comprehension at the level required for the individual student. Read theory link

Current events resource

This is a good resource for kids with unique current events articles.  It would be a good place to find a piece of text for text talk.  Dogo news

Next week

Students have been busy presenting their latest project in class.  If you have not presented yet, Monday and Tuesday will be your last opportunity. Library is Monday.  We have not been in two weeks due to days off so please come with your library books.


All CBE students and staff now have access to TumbleBooks Library (K-6) resources. This license has been paid for by the CBE as part of an agreement with Calgary Catholic School District and the CPL for the 2017-2018 school year. Users can access the resources from school, library, home, and mobile devices. This includes access to over 1,100 resources including e-books, read-alongs, graphic novels, full-length chapter books, National Geographic videos, and puzzles and games based on TumbleBooks contents.  Use this  Tumblebooks   to access these great resources.

Due date - timeline

The grade 5's will aim to have their timeline project completed by Friday October 13th.  We will have one more work period in class next week and then if not completed it will become homework.  Presentations will start the following week so they will have the weekend if needed.